DS18B20 Remote Sensor
This is a simple program to periodically read temperatures from 1-Wire sensors and send them to a specified endpoint. Easy to run as a systemd service. Below is my systemd unit configuration file.
[Unit] Description=sending temperature readings After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/home/pi/ds18b20-remote-sensor/ds18b20-remote-sensor start WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/ds18b20-remote-sensor Restart=on-failure User=pi Group=pi [Install] WantedBy=default.target
The code is written and tested with Go. It works flawlessly 24/7. I chose to send JSON using HTTP POST requests to fit both standard and serverless architecture.
I personally run it on a cheap Raspberry Pi Zero W in a dusty environment. There are probably cheaper solutions as you only need a way to get readings from the sensors and send those values.